#mha s3
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celestielsgifs · 5 months ago
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by clicking on the source link you will find #223 gifs (540x304, completed) of SHOTA AIZAWA in MY HERO ACADEMIA S3.
these gifs were made from scratch by me, so please do not repost into gifsets/gif hunts or claim them to be your own. you can crop these for icons, or use them for crackships and edits but you MUST GIVE ME CREDIT IF YOU POST THEM PUBLICLY; please also like and reblog!
TW: blood, violence.
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salvatoreren · 2 years ago
i think one of the best things about season 3, especially the fight between Toshinori and AFO is how even in his true form everyone still supported him
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burstbubbbles · 4 months ago
- okay the camping trip + camino arc is like 3 naruto arcs in one (kota hating heroes and getting saved by deku = that kid from the land of the mist hating heroes and getting saved by naruto, a troop of some bad guys taking bakugo, the deuteragonist, because they want him to join their league = orochimaru's lackeys taking sasuke away, the fact that they had a competition and some exams in order to be able to go to the camping trip = the different parts of the chuunin exams).
- here's the thing i've noticed, before anyone says im comparing bnha to naruto too much: i think horikoshi uses a lot of popular shonnen tropes and pays a bunch of homages to other shonnen manga on purpose. what purpose? the subversion of expectations. here's the thing, if you're a new watcher who has already watched a bunch of different shonnen animes (like me with naruto), when you see bakugo being taken by the league, even if you don't immediately think of sasuke, you still might guess that now bakugo is going to turn evil, because that's how the story usually goes. instead, horikoshi reminds us bakugo isn't sasuke or your average shonnen deuteragonist, and reestablishes the core values of this character. the reason i draw so many parallels to naruto is because it's the shonnen anime im most familiar with, but im sure a one-piece/hxh/bleach/dgbz/etc fan could do the exact same thing.
- tl;dr: what im trying to say is that the ways in which horikoshi draws inspiration from other shonnen anime isn't lazy; it's not that he doesn't have ideas so he copies. i think he's actually very clever in the way he handles all those influences. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
- anyway back to plot
- i can't believe deku's mom gets hate for literally being a good parent. of course she's not going to want her son at UA after everything she's seen. not all anime single mothers can be mito-san (hxh), and they don't need to be.
- deku's arms are like. about to die. and im not saying that this is never brought up again, but i feel like in the later seasons he didn't exactly hold back. although he's literally trying to come up with a technique so that he can use them again, so idk. iida's hand injury hasn't really been brought up yet either.
- i forgot to mention this before, but shigaraki uses a lot of videogame analogies (he calls big heroes "final bosses", for example) in the same way that deku uses a lot of comic book analogies (if this was a comic book, he would be the protagonist" said by deku about todoroki).
- but it's interesting because, in shigaraki, i think this is used to showcase his immaturity: we associate videogames to kids, and so by using these sort of analogies the author reinforces the childish characterization of the antagonist.
- deku, on the other hand, uses comic book analogies for the sake of meta jokes with the audience (saying todoroki would be the protagonist when he's actually the protagonist of his comic book), which goes back to all the different homages and references horikoshi does to other shonnen manga and anime. i think bnha doesn't get enough credit for how meta it is.
- i like how you can tell bakugo is changing during the provisional license exam, not just in regards to his relationship with deku but also with other classmates. like when he's about to be turned into a weird meat-like thing (some guy's quirk) he tosses his weapon to kaminari because he's confident that kaminari will know how to use it.
- lmao deku vs. kacchan pt 2 is really bakugo going "hey btw im traumatized due to recent events but mostly i've always been severely insecure and that's why i bullied you so why did you always follow me?" and deku replying "bitch bffr i hate you but you're like the coolest guy i know"
- i know i've said it a lot but i really love the foil-like relationship of bkdk and how it's written.
- something idk if i have mentioned at this point or not is that i love uraraka and tsuyu. they're my favorite classmate-characters. but honestly, i appreciate much more the effort that the author put into writing each individual character and making them consistent in their personalities, at least up until the end of the third season.
things im noticing as i rewatch bnha, an ongoing thread:
- deku really was such a nerd lmao he's just like me fr (like i KNEW but i didn't remember how much i could relate to it. oops.)
- it's also interesting that he always fights back against bakugo and calls him an idiot a lot. idk why (probably because of fandom characterization) i remembered early-seasons deku as a lot more innocent and scared of bakugo. like, here's the thing, deku is scared of pretty much everything at the start because he's shy/anxious. he gets nervous talking to most of his classmates (especially, but not only, girls) when he first meets them and starts trembling when he gets elected as class president before handing the role to iida. so basically, his anxiety isn't reserved to bakugo like i remembered – if anything, he seems to get over his fear of getting bullied by him pretty quickly once he realizes he can fight back.
- kaminari tried to ask uraraka out in their first or second day of school and she was like "uhhh i like to eat... uhh... WAIT DEKU CAME BACK FROM THE NURSE'S OFFICE" lol i really didn't remember that
- bakugo's insecurity was always there. as you're reading this you might be thinking i first watched mha with my eyes closed or sth, and you're not very far from the truth. here's the thing, i first watched it when i was like 14-15, so all i knew back then was that bakugo was insufferable and i didn't think further than that. of course, he ended up becoming one of my favorite bnha characters after reading all of the manga, but it's cool to realize his character arc was foreshadowed from the beginning and didn't just magically start around season 3.
- but yeah, anyway, bakugo's insecurity and his envy over deku's natural noble nature was always there, since season 1. also, deku's real admiration over bakugo was also there. like, going back to my other point, deku wasn't just Not Overly Scared of bakugo, he actually looked up to him despite knowing he was deeply flawed. tbh they were always a bit crazy about each other.
- uraraka is so funny i love her.
- all of class 1A was so chaotic good coded
- like they collectively made fun of bakugo on the bus to USJ for being rude lol. they really bonded over their shared dislike for the guy.
- bakugo gets fucking HUMBLED all of s1. i would also be irrationally angry ngl.
- the dialogues in the first season sometimes are so unnatural for the sake of exposition, like all might telling recovery girl: "do you mind not talking so loudly ab OFA? only you, a close friend, the principal, and midoriya know about OFA. but most professors and some pro heroes also know about my condition and not being able to fight for more than 3 hours a day" like WHO TALKS LIKE THAT ??!1?1?
- deku had to go to recovery girl's office a total of 4 times (if i counted correctly) for broken limbs of fingers in HIS FIRST WEEK of school. which is funnier considering no one else from class 1A had to go even once.
- damn shigaraki was a skinny legend before he got OP
- aizawa did not react at all when he first saw kurogiri (about the shirakumo thing). that was surprising.
- also. AIZAWA IS SO BADASS?? like yes i knew he was badass from the later seasons, but i genuinely didn't remember his first fighting sequence at USJ where he single-handedly fights like at least 20 villains.
- i had also forgotten that shigaraki calls eraserhead "really cool" so early on in the anime, i thought it was a later-seasons thing.
- this is really obvious but i had forgotten the all might theme's resemblance to superman's theme. it's such a cool little detail tho!
- uraraka and deku definitely were crushing on each other when they first met, but i think it's nice that they ended up developing a really strong friendship instead of getting together after hori didn't consistently develop them romantically. it also makes a lot more sense narratively, like why would we care who deku ends up with at the end of his first year of UA when the story actually ends 8 years after that, and it's very unlikely that you marry the same person you started dating when you were 15. idk, i liked that. i like that you can have two characters who maybe have a crush on each other but can't focus on that due to Circumstances and eventually move on and become good friends. it's a win for the platonic department!
- the animation was kinda bad in the first season 😭 but it's understandable and i had fun watching it regardless.
okay im done with s1 tune in for s2 !!
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rewritingcanon · 1 month ago
bakudeku since u tagged bnha
o-oh ! um….
like i get the appeal i really do. but when i decided back in good ol 2018 that krbk was going to be my comfort ship i meant that shit and i was monogamous about it 😭
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touchlikethesun · 11 months ago
sorry i know it’s just a movie, i know we all knew that it was only a matter of time till we got the official announcement anyways but it’s still so fucking disappointing that legitimately good, groundbreaking, heartfelt series get shafted while soulless powerfantasy shonens are renewed into the apocalypse
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mai-hatsume · 4 months ago
BNHA manga spoilers btw
I have smtn to say ab bkdk like ok
I don't understand how ppl can't see it but ok each person has their own views and I get it but let's be so fucking serious here.
if I was ochaco or whoever you shipped w izuku and I was dating him I'd be so fucking jealous of katsuki coz????? what the actual fuck are you talking ab???? and like the opposite too like Kiri and Kats?????? my boyfriend died for his 'best friend' twice like???????? what have you done for me?
he saved up for 8 YEARS to get a suit for izuku??? do you think that's normal behaviour????
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plusultraetc · 6 months ago
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I was so so proud of myself for remembering to post the thing on one website that I forgot to post on the other; here's a new old Shinsou expansion pack fic I finally uploaded <3
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slytherintothedms · 9 months ago
rewatching mha and you can’t tell me aizawa didn’t know about izuku and all might - right after bakugou asks AM in front of aizawa what izuku is to him, he then insists he goes to the midoriya household alone (you are not subtle mr yagi)
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johannepetereric · 4 months ago
ANOTHER guy who looks like Kaminari!
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meggie-moo · 1 year ago
cringe culture is dead btw, i’ve been rewatching bnha because i need COMFORT, in these trying first semester of college times. and i am having the time of my life. like i haven’t binged watched an anime in so long, like i lost that part of myself growing up. it’s been like four days, i’m on s3, something has been resurrected in me.
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raamitsu · 10 months ago
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zaiban2989 · 2 years ago
So I'm at S3 already (yeah I binge watch, sue me). I doubt I'll ever be over the scream of absolute anguish and pain Izuku lets out when he miserably fails to save Katsuki from being kidnapped, god Bones really did a great job by letting that image run for a few seconds 😭
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And of course the "Don't come, Deku"... Ah lord. Where do I even begin? That little shit still comes to save him anyhow because there is no way he is trusting anyone else to do it right shskkd.
Then we of course get the rescue part with Izuku being absolutely certain that Katsuki would not take his hand, and boy does this sting. Imagine the amount of sadness he must feel about this, having to tell Ei that he's the one who needs to call out to Kacchan because the bonds he had with him has been twisted into something painful over the years, my poor baby 💚
When you think of all of this, it's not so surprising that Izuku has trouble dealing with his true feelings. I'd also be afraid to voice them out if the most important person in my life seemed like he hates me.
And then... We get to the part after All Might vs. AFO with Yagi's "next is your turn" moment and Izuku crying and OF COURSE Katsuki is the only one obsessed enough with Deku to see the nerd not behaving like the rest of them.
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(How much has Katsuki been watching Izuku? A fucking loads)
This whole season is by far one of the best, I swear. Can't wait to get to deku Vs kacchan part 2 and unpack that one lol
Till next time
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sunasbabie · 1 year ago
i’m rewatching haikyu and i keep laughing cause they were so dramatic for no reason 😂😂
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hayleysstark · 6 months ago
Bakugo: Look, I know we've always had this kind of unspoken rivalry-- Midoriya: It's not a rivalry. You're just always mean to me. Midoriya: And it's not really unspoken, because you talk about it all the time. Bakugo: Do you want us to resolve our unspoken rivalry, or not?!
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stonedopossums · 6 months ago
i need there to be more official nightcrawler merch. need that guy in my house.
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plusultraetc · 2 years ago
me: what class does aizawa teach? what do general studies students do after lunch? how long does it take on average for a support item to be made from concept to finished product?
my hero academia: wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
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